April 24, 2012
photographer tim pascoe

Before Tim Pascoe became a photographer, he studied dramatic arts. It turns out that it provided him with a unique way to create images. He uses the viewfinder in his camera like a proscenium arch, and within it tells stories. This approach has seen Tim win a swag of awards with the Australian Institute of Professional Photographers, including Master of Photography. (Previous wins have included 4 gold, 12 silver with distinction and 28 silver.) More recently Tim has collaborated with Penny Farthing Design House to create a series of prints, some of which are pictured above. You can find the rest here.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I fell into photography over a drink one night with a friend of my wife's family. He had been running a photography business for a few years, and I had just quit my job. I boldly asked him if he had any photography jobs available? (Thought, why not, give it a go.) His reply was, "What are you like with a camera?"? To which my reply was: "I don't know." Strangely, and to my surprise, three months later he called me and asked if I would do some video work for him and through that I then fell into doing stills. Never having a photography lesson in my life, I picked up a camera and it was like I had finally found something that made total sense. I had studied dramatic arts for a while, and loved theatre, but when I picked up the camera and looked through it, it was like I was sitting in my own theatre and I had the ability to create the story and vision. I just loved it. At the very start of my photography career I was named "AIPP Self Commissioned Photographer of the Year" and also "NSW Professional Photographer of the Year - runner up". Three months later I had my first solo exhibition. This, and the awards, gave me confidence to start my own business, and I haven't looked back.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? To commit to what I was doing. It was a pivotal moment in my career. Being a bit of a dreamer, this could have, and still can, bring me unstuck. As soon as I told myself that photography was my life career, and to handle everything that throws at it, the ball really started rolling.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Supporting my family and the 10 years of working for myself. I never thought I would ever work for myself, and although you're always walking in faith, and it can be a bit of a roller coaster ride, it is a lot of fun.
What’s been your best decision? To strive for the best in my images, have passion to look for something better, influence my clients, focussing on quality in my business. When my clients to say to me: "This image gives me goose bumps, how did you capture that?" I have achieved this. These decisions have got me where I am today.
Who inspires you? I am blessed enough to have amazing people around me from all different walks, careers and businesses. Definitely my family, friends and my amazing close friend and mentor. They all keep me in check.
What are you passionate about? My wife and two beautiful children (with number three on the way - very excited!). If I could, I would be more than happy to hang out with them all the time! It's so amazing to watch them grow.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I know it's a big call, but I would have to say Jesus. Whether you believe he existed or not, his influence over the world, still 2000 years later, has impacted more lives than anyone else that has existed.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Where do I start! I am forever thinking of dreams I would love to fulfil. I have all these photographic ideas just stuck in my head waiting to be expressed. I feel that I am always quite time poor, so I put them in the "to be done" folder in my brain. One that stands out though is I would love to have to opportunity to do some cinema-photography, I just love it! I am always seeing these amazing moments that I would love to capture. It's another wonderful medium I would love to try.
What are you reading? I am the most hopeless reader in the world. I am normally reading several books at one time. Terrible, I know, but I never can commit to just one.
images courtesy of tim pascoe and penny farthing design house