April 26, 2012
textile designer zoe wall

Zoe Wall is a textile designer who is based in Byron Bay on the northern coast of NSW. She has learnt her craft through her mother, and continues to cite Shyama as a mentor and inspiration. Zoe uses organic silks and Australian wools in her designs and works with them utilising ancient techniques. Twice a year she releases a range of scarves, shawls and wraps. The most recent is "A place on Earth, with you".
Which five words best describe you? Happy, creative, quirky, relaxed, gentle.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? It now seems all things led toward what I now do every day, which is to create scarves. I learnt the skill from my mother.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? That there are always so many new lessons to learn.
What’s your proudest career achievement? I feel very proud that women from around the world wear something I have designed and made with my own hands.
What’s been your best decision? To follow my heart.
Who inspires you? My mother.
What are you passionate about? Books, truffles, cheese, the beach, soft snow, shopping in boutiques so beautiful they give me sweaty palms, the occasional gallery, always the ballet, faraway places and, of course, long lengths of beautiful fabric commonly known as scarves.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Coco Chanel and the Dalai Lama
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Too many to even begin.
What are you reading? Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
images courtesy of zoe wall