February 08, 2008

Amanda Prior knew from an early age that she wanted to be a photographer. She started studying her craft at age 15 and continued her interest in it throughout a nine-year career in modelling. She went on to assist for many years before becoming the in-house photographer for Inside Out magazine. Since then she has gone freelance and regularly works for a range of still life, interior, food and portrait clients.
What five words best describe you? Busy, organised, sensitive, passionate, stubborn.
What's your proudest achievement? Competing for NSW in Javelin at 17, I came fifth.
Who inspires you? Career women who have children and continue to do great work. Busy photographers who spend time on personal work. Humble, elite athletes like Roger Federer.
What are you passionate about? Photography and travelling - a combination of both. I like working with people who plan well, then put care and passion into what they are doing.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? Enjoy now and don't worry about what's next.
Which person living or dead would you most like to meet? My grandmother – on both sides.
What are you excited about? My next overseas photography job – sailing from Fiji to New Zealand to photogaph the Queen Victoria.
What's next? Personal work.
images courtesy of amanda prior