March 10, 2008
designer jo neville

If there is such a thing as stationery heaven then it must look something like the shop Paper Couture in Sydney's Paddington. Owner Jo Neville has not only created a beautiful space to browse (and buy, of course!) - it's packed full of interior decorating ideas such as the gorgeous old wooden library card holders - but it's also filled with dreamy stationery. Yes, there is such a thing. Jo's passionate about all things papery, and with good reason...
How and why did you originally start Paper Couture? Paper Couture began as a stationery store specialising in bespoke stationery from correspondence to wedding and event work. It's a stationery store that specialises in its own brand of home-grown stationery: we do not rely on imported brands. The idea behind it works when people know the meaning of bespoke!
What where you doing previously? As a graphic designer I was designing other people's corporate identity and annual reports. However, I was more interested in the paper they were to be printed on.
What has been the response? Those who "get" Paper Couture love it and can almost become addicted - those who don't - email!
What has been a highlight? I was asked to design and create couture dresses using white paper for a fashion catwalk - it worked.
Where do you look to for inspiration? Everywhere. Everyday colour, movement and nature. At the moment I am sitting in my local cafe, the sun is throwing some of the most amazing shadows of the trees onto the road, the silhouettes are beautiful - there is something in that.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? I would like to think that it is still to come - we are always learning, that is the lesson. When you stop learning in what you are doing change direction, do something new.
What are you passionate about right now? Recycling papery things from my childhood. Atlases, childrens books; the images we grew up with printed on old paper - to turn these forgotten pages into another object to evoke nostalgia for the recipient - that is excitement, that is correspondence.
If you could meet one person, living or dead, who would it be? Tord Boontje - I love that he has created design objects of beauty that are recognised all over the world.
What are you looking forward to? Finally creating my website - help!
What are you reading? The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby. Life is so precious but you never know what is going to happen - it is an inspiring true story.
Images courtesy of Jo Neville and real living