photographer elizabeth soule

You may recognise some of these images - I featured the works of Elizabeth Soule a little while back - click here to check out the post. Now that she's finished moving, she's been able to tell us a little about herself. Enjoy.

What five words best describe you? Critical, crafty, observant, silly, inquisitive.
What's your proudest achievement? I'm pretty proud of just getting my work out there. It's a big step for me.
Who inspires you? There are so many artists right now that I enjoy seeing all over the web that inspire me each day. I also love to look through my photography books and admire works by
Keith Carter, Emmet Gowin, Andrea Modica and Sally Mann, to name a few.
What are you passionate about? Photographing and sharing my work.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? Not to be scared to put yourself out there. I have boxes of photographs and portfolios that few have seen, it isn't until recently that I've started to show my work. I was always afraid that someone may not like it or think that it is stereotypical and bland. I'm learning that I can't please everyone, but there is an audience for my work.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I'm not sure about this one.
What are you excited about? Creating. I always have scraps of paper with the day's ideas floating around my bag and in pockets. I get excited when a new project becomes more than an idea on the page and forms into something more.
What's next? A new Polaroid series, some black and white work and some new ideas. I'd love to do a black and white documentary project on rural living and farming.

Images courtesy of Elizabeth Soule