June 12, 2008
musician sonny rollins

ABC TV's 7.30 report - worth watching - he's one cool cat!
What do the Clinton St Baking Company in New York and Sonny Rollins have in common? Well, it is where I first heard his music. In 2006 I travelled to New York with my husband D and good friend MT and had an amazing holiday. I can't tell you how much stuff we did on that trip. All up we had about 10 days in New York and every day was jam-packed. I did loads of research before we went. I'm a bit crazy like that. Even had an Excel spreadsheet with an itinerary as didn't want to miss a thing. Anyway, one of my must-visit places was the Clinton St Baking Company as I'd read the brunches there were great. Sure enough, we queued first thing Sunday morning before the place even opened, got a table straight off, ate blueberry pancakes and listened to Sonny Rollins. Well, life came full circle the weekend before last when I got to hear the great jazz saxophonist play his first (and probably last) gig at the Sydney Opera House. This is a man who has played for Miles Davis and Johnnie Coltrane. It was electric. He has so much energy with his playing - none of this stilted, self-conscious jazz that passes as much modern stuff. And perhaps the most amazing fact is that he's 77. What an inspiration!