July 24, 2008
artist rebecca pearson

Oh no. I just realised I've been caught in a baby warp as I completely missed Rebecca Pearson's exhibition at Gallery 9 in Sydney. And I had so wanted to go after falling in love with her domes at the National Art School show last year. Well, for now, I'm going to have to content myself with these images and hope that next time Little C and I have our act together a little better.
What was the inspiration behind the exhibition? I was invited to participate in a group exhibition. It was an exciting opportunity to exhibit with other artists whose work I admired. In this particular exhibition they used film/projection which I have always found interesting.
What was your starting point? I started by collecting old souvenirs from op shops. These became my subjects and in some instances I re assembled them into new two and three dimensional forms. I created my own narratives to go with them as many of countries depicted I had never been to.
What was involved in creating each piece? I work with various materials and am often faced with many challenges. The pictures in this exhibition are made from wood, perspex and found materials. I tried to create a feeling of faded travel memories and nostalgia. The title for the series of works is called People, Places and things.
What did you learn along the way? I am constantly learning. I realize I have to be grateful for the mistakes I make as these are some of my biggest teachers!
Image courtesy of Gallery 9