signature print's helen lennie
Interior designer Greg Natale uses Florence Broadhurst prints in a Sydney home
Signature Prints uses traditional printing techniques

The Florence Broadhurst range includes fabrics and homewares
In years to come Florence Broadhurst wallpapers will be remembered as the look of the early 21st century, and that is due to the dedication, enthusiasm and skill of Helen and David Lennie, a husband and wife team who brought the designs back to life via their exclusive worldwide licence and traditional textile printing business Signature Prints. It's been quite a journey for Helen, who grew up in New Zealand and then went on to work at Chanel in Sydney. Here she reveals what she's learnt along the way...
What five words best describe you? Dynamic, stubborn, theatrical, assertive, generous.
What's your proudest achievement? Being asked to be a key note speaker to a room full of extremely successful business women! It’s that moment of realisation that a kid from a small rural town in New Zealand has made good. Being recognized both locally and internationally for our contribution to Australian design. Signature Prints – Home of the Florence Broadhurst library - is now considered to be a “National Treasure”. Our commitment to Florence Broadhurst continues to be identified as putting Australia on the map for international design. They are some of my proudest moments.
Who inspires you? Saskia Heaves of Grandiflora and her partner Gary Heery; Saskia creates the most visually stunning floral work I have ever seen and her husband Gary Heery photographs them! They are an inspiring partnership. Gary is also the only photographer to successfully photograph my husband, who hates the camera.
What are you passionate about? Life/work balance.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? I am learning to sometimes remain silent... it can be more powerful than being reactive.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Florence Broadhurst.
What's next? Verona and Venice closely followed by Christmas in Paris. We will be working but who cares when you are working and living in those cities.
What are you reading? Oh my goodness you have caught me out here... I have about five books on the go!
Images courtesy of Signature Prints