September 05, 2008

While studying an arts degree in psychology and criminology, Hilary Walker worked part time in the art department at her school. Afterwards she decided to pursue a career in photography and enrolled in and completed a BA of Photography at RMIT. After a few years of assisting in her native Melbourne, she moved to London where she started to get bookings for her own work, mostly for fiction book covers. More recently she has returned to Melbourne.
What five words best describe you? Aesthetically obsessed, imaginative, loving, procrastinating.What's your proudest achievement? Hmmm... moving to London by myself and not crying when all my stuff was stolen.
Who inspires you? Film makers and artists. People that make me laugh or cry with their own peculiar thoughts or creations.
What are you passionate about? Pictures, drawings, films, music, people.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? I'm still learning it.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? My four-year-old self.
What are you excited about? Small things, never the big things - like a decent meal, green lights, riding my bike or watching movies.
What are you reading? The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. That's a lie. I'm reading a book I'm not mad on but The Time Traveller's Wife is so gorgeous I've bought it about seven times as presents.
images courtesy of hilary walker