September 09, 2008
designer nicci green

It would be great to drop into a conversation. "Oh, I'm just heading off to the Maison & Objet fair in Paris." If I was any kind of homewares designer that would be on my top 10 list of things to do. Well, Bribe founder and designer Nicci Green has well and truly ticked that goal off. She was there recently - for her fifth time - to show her gorgeous hand-blown glassware - and, no, it's not expensive. Nicci's mission is to provide handmade products that are not only beautiful to behold but functional and accessible too.
What five words best describe you? Energetic... always on the go and juggling a million things. I don't take myself too seriously, I love hilarity and being ridiculous... having a laugh whenever and wherever possible (I particularly love teasing my son Jack). I am family girl... I am mad about my family and friends and dog.
What's your proudest achievement? As a mother there is no prouder achievement than having a child. Unequivocally my beautiful son Jack.
Who inspires you? Tom Dixon, definitely, I remember meeting in his offices in London and the conversation blew my mind; he was exciting, creative and out there. He is a designer like myself (although he is really, really successful... he is the real deal) who fell into design rather than chose it all due to a motorbike accident. I really like that. Basically I take inspiration from everything that surrounds me, the tiniest most unassuming things, but most designers feel that way.
What are you passionate about? Apart from my Jack, family and friends... Bribe. I am completely passionate about my glassware business. I really believe good design should not be elitist and should be available and affordable to everyone.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? Eat life. I breathe it in and fit in as much into a day as possible so that you never look back with "what ifs".
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Oh, that's a hard one... there are so many people I would love to meet and talk to...
What are you excited about? Next week we are showing at the Maison & Objet fair in Paris, this is our fifth fair and I think the most significant. Maison & Objet is the pinnacle design fair worldwide. I am proud to be exhibiting there amongst so many talented designers and people that I have looked up to through the years and revere.
What are you reading? My house is full of pattern and print/graphic design, photography, interiors, architecture, you name it, I love them. If I'm not pouring through some art or design book I am being seduced (and mind you that makes me dreadful company when my head is in a book) of all things by crime fiction, I love it and can't get my head out of them.
Images courtesy of Bribe