March 04, 2009
designer david jimenez

One of the stories I enjoyed writing the most in the latest issue of real living was the house story of David Jimenez. He really knew what he was talking about when it came to interior design, and his passion was palpable. And thanks to him I'm now in love with David Hicks wallpaper and Hollywood regency style decorating.
Which five words best describe you? Romantic, driven, passionate, quirky and curious.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My first job was in sales and was the start to a long and satisfying career in retail. Who knew such a simple beginning would result in such an interesting journey.
What’s your proudest achievement? Making it to work on time.
What’s been your best decision? Moving to Kansas City, Missouri. My friends thought I was insane for leaving San Francisco and relocating to a small city in the Midwest. It's been one of the smartest and rewarding decisions I've ever made.
Who inspires you? Mom and dad, for their support and guidance. My friends, for their love and the occasional hangover.
What are you passionate about? Thrift stores, sunsets and Indian food.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? There was a saying in Spanish mom would tell me as a kid growing up in New York, "Como te tires, asi te tratan". Loosely translated it means, "How you present yourself, is how you'll be treated". They have been words to live by for me.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? President Obama. A true rock star.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I'd love to have kids one day. I can't imagine a more beautiful expression of happiness.
What are you reading? I am re-reading The Great Gatsby. A timeless classic.
Images courtesy of David Jimenez and via Habitually Chic and Desire to Inspire