April 06, 2009
(home.inspiration) sara silm

It's hard to keep up with Megan Morton. She has such prolific output as a stylist and all around fab person around town. So I was really interested to learn more about one of her other projects Home Residential & Commercial Design, a collaboration with Sara Silm. When I dug a little deeper I realised that Sara has an amazing body of work behind her too.
Which five words best describe you? Enthusiastic, passionate, impulsive (but I'm working on it), loyal and optimistic.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My first job was as an air hostess based in Bahrain and I worked for Gulf Air. Later I was lucky enough to be seconded to work for the Royal family of Bahrain as crew on their private aircraft. After that I lived in South Africa running a game lodge with no electricity (there's nothing like a reality check after a few years of luxury!). When I returned to Australia I completed a post grad bachelor of education and a Masters of education and worked in the pharmaceutical industry before I returned to my passion and studied colour and design. I began my own interior design company, later merging it with Megan Morton as HOME Residential and Commercial Design. I also lecture in design now at ISCD in Sydney.
What’s your proudest achievement? My best work to date is my 3 beautiful children. The result of the best decision I've ever made, marring my beautiful husband. Work-wise, its owner building a 800 square meter home in seven months. I was pregnant at the time, so it certainly helped to keep things on schedule!
What’s been your best decision? To follow my passion and design. If you're creative, denying it is like starving yourself of oxygen.
Who inspires you? I know this sounds terribly corny but I am truly inspired by the smallest and most inconsequential things from the beautiful palette of colours in a fallen leaf to the texture of a piece of driftwood. I draw strength from the courage of ordinary people who battle terrible circumstances every day and smile. I love art and the creative potential of the human spirit. I love scent and flowers, music and theatre. Most of all I’m inspired by a glass half full.
What are you passionate about? Brilliant design and it's infinite possibilities.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Ernest Hemmingway once said "Become a master of what you do and in your old age, acquire the courage to do what you did when you were a child and you knew nothing."
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Soooo many it's so hard to choose. I'd love to meet Ellen De Generes because just looking at her makes me laugh and I think she'd help to break the ice when Gandhi, Sir David Attenborough and Modigliani arrived.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? I'd love to develop my own range of fabrics, write a book and grow old with my beautiful family... and play the guitar.
What are you reading? The little red writing book by Mark Tredinnick and Don't get caught with your skirt down: a practical girl's recession guide by Jill Keto.
Which five words best describe you? Enthusiastic, passionate, impulsive (but I'm working on it), loyal and optimistic.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My first job was as an air hostess based in Bahrain and I worked for Gulf Air. Later I was lucky enough to be seconded to work for the Royal family of Bahrain as crew on their private aircraft. After that I lived in South Africa running a game lodge with no electricity (there's nothing like a reality check after a few years of luxury!). When I returned to Australia I completed a post grad bachelor of education and a Masters of education and worked in the pharmaceutical industry before I returned to my passion and studied colour and design. I began my own interior design company, later merging it with Megan Morton as HOME Residential and Commercial Design. I also lecture in design now at ISCD in Sydney.
What’s your proudest achievement? My best work to date is my 3 beautiful children. The result of the best decision I've ever made, marring my beautiful husband. Work-wise, its owner building a 800 square meter home in seven months. I was pregnant at the time, so it certainly helped to keep things on schedule!
What’s been your best decision? To follow my passion and design. If you're creative, denying it is like starving yourself of oxygen.
Who inspires you? I know this sounds terribly corny but I am truly inspired by the smallest and most inconsequential things from the beautiful palette of colours in a fallen leaf to the texture of a piece of driftwood. I draw strength from the courage of ordinary people who battle terrible circumstances every day and smile. I love art and the creative potential of the human spirit. I love scent and flowers, music and theatre. Most of all I’m inspired by a glass half full.
What are you passionate about? Brilliant design and it's infinite possibilities.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Ernest Hemmingway once said "Become a master of what you do and in your old age, acquire the courage to do what you did when you were a child and you knew nothing."
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Soooo many it's so hard to choose. I'd love to meet Ellen De Generes because just looking at her makes me laugh and I think she'd help to break the ice when Gandhi, Sir David Attenborough and Modigliani arrived.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? I'd love to develop my own range of fabrics, write a book and grow old with my beautiful family... and play the guitar.
What are you reading? The little red writing book by Mark Tredinnick and Don't get caught with your skirt down: a practical girl's recession guide by Jill Keto.
Images courtesy of HOME Residential & Commercial Design