July 20, 2009
(illustration.inspiration) sandra krumins

I came across the work of Sandra Krumins on The Nest - an online community created by Dumbofeather founder Kate Bezar. I'm glad I went snooping because Sandra is not only a great illustrator but she has some interesting things to say. I particularly love this comment: "It's much better to learn as you go along and make mistakes than be paralysed by all the what ifs." Hope you get some pearly wisdoms from the interview too.
Which five words best describe you? Resourceful, Sensitive, Driven, Introspective, Strong.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My very first job was at Crazy Prices when I was about 15. It taught me all about what I don't want to do with the rest of my life! When I finished high school I went straight into a Fine Arts degree. Studying art at uni never really suited me though - I wanted to get my hands dirty and make art but it was all theory and art history. When it came time to choose a major I elected to do painting and drawing but I was late putting my forms in and missed out, so printmaking was actually my second choice. I'm very grateful that it turned out that way because ever since then I've just been in love with printmaking, particularly linocut. It's really become part of my identity and integral to my art and illustration practice. After uni I studied graphic design and so I've been juggling the design, illustration and also creating and selling artworks for children through my little business Lino Creative, ever since.
What’s your proudest achievement? Last year I decided to stop doing graphic design so much despite the financial rewards, and follow what makes me happy: illustration and making art for children. I recently started selling at markets all over Sydney and even opened up my own little online shop www.linocreative.com.au, and I've never felt better.
What’s been your best decision? To go to the Hollywood hotel one night in 2007 to meet the love of my life!
Who inspires you? Strong, independent, unconventional, creative women who make up their own rules. Margaret Olley, Mirka Mora and Keri Smith [ed - you can read an interview with Keri Smith on Daily Imprint here] are just a few examples. Other artists and illustrators like Nate Williams, Esther Pearl Watson, Olaf Hajek, Rob Ryan, Donna Ingemanson and so many more!
What are you passionate about? My family, community, art, good food and wine, animal rights.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? The more you work, the more inspiration will come. Don't over think everything too much: it's much better to learn as you go along and make mistakes than be paralysed by all the what ifs.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? My mother's mother. I'd love to have tea with my mum and my grandma. That'd be nice.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? Own my own home in the mountains with a veggie patch, a big art studio and a wood fire. Three kids and a jack russell called Fudge. And I want to learn how to knit.
What are you reading? One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Images courtesy of Sandra Krumins
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My very first job was at Crazy Prices when I was about 15. It taught me all about what I don't want to do with the rest of my life! When I finished high school I went straight into a Fine Arts degree. Studying art at uni never really suited me though - I wanted to get my hands dirty and make art but it was all theory and art history. When it came time to choose a major I elected to do painting and drawing but I was late putting my forms in and missed out, so printmaking was actually my second choice. I'm very grateful that it turned out that way because ever since then I've just been in love with printmaking, particularly linocut. It's really become part of my identity and integral to my art and illustration practice. After uni I studied graphic design and so I've been juggling the design, illustration and also creating and selling artworks for children through my little business Lino Creative, ever since.
What’s your proudest achievement? Last year I decided to stop doing graphic design so much despite the financial rewards, and follow what makes me happy: illustration and making art for children. I recently started selling at markets all over Sydney and even opened up my own little online shop www.linocreative.com.au, and I've never felt better.
What’s been your best decision? To go to the Hollywood hotel one night in 2007 to meet the love of my life!
Who inspires you? Strong, independent, unconventional, creative women who make up their own rules. Margaret Olley, Mirka Mora and Keri Smith [ed - you can read an interview with Keri Smith on Daily Imprint here] are just a few examples. Other artists and illustrators like Nate Williams, Esther Pearl Watson, Olaf Hajek, Rob Ryan, Donna Ingemanson and so many more!
What are you passionate about? My family, community, art, good food and wine, animal rights.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? The more you work, the more inspiration will come. Don't over think everything too much: it's much better to learn as you go along and make mistakes than be paralysed by all the what ifs.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? My mother's mother. I'd love to have tea with my mum and my grandma. That'd be nice.
What dream do you still want to fulfill? Own my own home in the mountains with a veggie patch, a big art studio and a wood fire. Three kids and a jack russell called Fudge. And I want to learn how to knit.
What are you reading? One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Images courtesy of Sandra Krumins