July 28, 2009
(interiors.inspiration) james andrew

I have a confession to make. I LOVE people who are passionate about life. Okay, so that might not come across as so much of a revelation given that it's one of the criteria for my blog. But I can't emphasise enough how much I get inspired when I come across people who embrace life to the full. They don't live as a pedestrian but as the driver of their destiny. I get energised after spending time with them. James Andrew is one of these dynamos. As if his interior work is not enough to get you excited, check out his completely addictive blog What Is James Wearing.
Which five words best describe you? Stylish, spiritual, bold, optimistic, eclectic.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? My first job was working for a small theater company, doing everything from building stage sets to acting. I also worked as a banker (sadly) then I spent eight years at Ralph Lauren working my way up from shop boy to designer of stores, interiors and showrooms. I started doing freelance interior design, and developed enough personal demand that I left Ralph Lauren, and started my own firm. After some years on my own I was recruited to work for the legendary design firm Parish Hadley. After two productive years there I set off on my own again, starting my current firm which continues to thrive. I also founded whatisjameswearing.com in 2008 and this July we will be celebrating our one-year anniversary and already have a readership in 84 countries and territories!
What’s your proudest achievement? Owning my own design business and I'm also excited about my WIJW blog site.
What’s been your best decision? To stop looking beyond myself for acceptance and approval - I firmly believe that we can create our own destinies.
Who inspires you? It comes from many - there are interior design icons like David Hicks, Billy Baldwin, J M Frank, Emilio Terry, that have inspired me - but my mentor Albert
Hadley has had the greatest impact on me. There are men like Gianni Agnelli, Cary Grant, the Duke of Windsor whose impeccable style continues to influence and inspire my fashion sense. And there is Oprah - she has achieved such monumental success on so many different levels despite a myriad of obstacles. The story of her life journey continues to inspire me to achieve my very grandest dreams.
What are you passionate about? I live to share my passion for all things beautiful. Whether I'm designing an interior for a client, selecting clothes, having a good meal with friends, or planning an exotic trip, I really aspire to connect on a deep level with those of like heart and mind.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? The most important time is NOW and I really try to celebrate every moment with gratitude and appreciation.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I'd like to meet Valentino - I want to live like him!
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I'm still looking for the perfect town house here in New York City.
What are you reading? I'm currently reading The private world of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge by Robert Murphy.