August 05, 2009
(interiors.inspiration) robbie nicol

Ah, the world is a small place. A few months back I came across the work of Robbie Nicol. I was interested to learn more and so organised an interview and to see her portfolio. Unfortunately, the file of info fell to the bottom of my desk until I had a big clean up after real living's recent relaunch. Then, as it happens, a few days later I was talking to my mum who had just run into Robbie. You see, it turns out that Robbie and I were next-door-but-one neighbours in Queen Street Woollahra about 10 years ago, and my mum and Robbie know each other quite well! While I'm getting over this coincidence, you can enjoy the interview... Oh, and I love that Robbie only fairly recently began a career in interiors - but what an impact she's made. The rooms look and feel resolved and sophisticated. Brilliant.
Which five words best describe you? Creative, vivacious, energetic, efficient, innovative.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? A career in radio journalism, since then I have worked as sales and marketing director of a leading exhibition company d3 Group before starting my own business in interior design.
What’s your proudest achievement? Many referrals from my existing clients.
What’s been your best decision? To begin my own interiors business in 2005.
Who inspires you? Geoffrey Clark from The Country Trader and Tony Flamos from Space Furniture.
What are you passionate about? Inspiring concepts and detailing in interiors and architecture along with the clever blending of old and new.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? Being able to assess the standard of excellence of sub-contractors and to understand the personalities of my clients in order to give the quality and service they expect, without exceeding the budget.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Axel Vervoordt, a Belgium interior designer, antique collector and art dealer based near Anvers, Belgium.
What are you reading? The House At Salvation Creek by Susan Duncan.
Images courtesy of Robbie Nicol