August 13, 2009
stylist kim ficaro

Even though I work on a magazine, and I know how each stylist has quite different style and aesthetic, I didn't pick up so much on the subtleties of stylists who worked on Domino magazine until now. You see, some of my favourite features - and I'm not just saying this - are the work of Kim Ficaro. Her inspiring website also includes beautiful food shoots and fashion pics.
Which five words best describe you? Ease, thoughtfulness, contemplative, driven, compassionate.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? In terms of styling, I first assisted stylist Sibella Court beginning in 2002. We met while I was working in a shop called Lake, on 9th street. She shopped there often. I knew I wanted to get into styling and I asked her if I could work for her. The path from there was that I assisted a stylist whose work I loved and whom I sought out, until I began to style on my own. Sibella and I are now good friends and I have learned so much from her. She taught me the fundamental rule that what is the point of the work unless you have fun doing it.
What’s your proudest achievement? Marriage.
What’s been your best decision? Taking my job at Domino Magazine, which I have such a special place in my heart for. It was a very unique environment to be apart of. After its untimely demise, I've been challenged to explore ideas and interiors in a new way.
Who inspires you? My husband and his sensibility and by extension, his blog, which is very much an extension of who he is. Agnes Martin, Ilse Crawford, the design team Roman and Williams, Ditte Isager's photographs, Martyn Thompson's photographs, Ted Muehling's NY shop, Charlotte Gainsbourg, my mom.
What are you passionate about? About what I see in my surroundings, whether it's images I put up on my office wall, an old postcard or a handwritten note, collections I have acquired over the years, whether it be fabrics or ceramics, old finds from the flea markets, worn out colours faded from time, from weather, old typography, a piece of art work I look at everyday at home. I am passionate about finding, seeing and feeling things which makes you dream, whether it be art, film, photography, music, or as simple as an object.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt? I have two lessons I try to remember: the first, when styling, try to see the picture beforehand, and the second and most important, have some fun while you work.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Agnes Martin
What dream do you still want to fulfill? Having children, owning a shop with my husband, a house by the beach, yoga three times a week.
What are you reading? NY Times online, rereading Hemingway's "A Moveable Feast", another huge inspiration.
images courtesy of kim ficaro