October 27, 2009
stylist olivia sparks

I know Olivia Sparks through her styling work on real living. She's based in Melbourne and has worked on many of our food shoots down there - producing beautiful results. Now, she's changing direction slightly - but still keeping creative. I think she's one to watch.
Which five words best describe you? Compassionate, dedicated, visionary, imaginative, fastidious.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? I was assistant to the director of Melbourne School of Fashion then worked in a city law firm, and on the side began a small jewellery business. Then I studied Bachelor of Marketing and followed it up with a Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration. Always an entrepreneur at heart, I explored the creative industry for the next few years. In the past year I've established my own consultancy. Finally I have found a career that makes sense to me, and all my skills and interests. My profession is so diverse, and exciting. I love the fact that any given day, I never quite know what enquiry will next land in my inbox, and what environment, circle of people, and professional challenges lay ahead.
What's your proudest achievement? A family girl at heart, taking over the reigns of family life after my mother died nine years ago. I have two younger sisters and it has been an exceptional journey. On the work front, consulting to some of Melbourne’s biggest companies very early in my career.
What's been your best decision? To look inside and see what makes me tick. To look closely at what my skills, interests, strengths and weaknesses are, and tailor a career that works and inspires accordingly. To stick with it, even when times get tough, and believe in yourself.
Who inspires you? Aside from the obvious role models within family and friends, one very special lady, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of styling was Helen Redmond, from Vogue Living magazine. My first work experience placement was with Helen, and she could not have been more welcoming, informative, and interested in my direction. She helped create my dream, and gave me some wings to fly. Seeing her in full swing with Vogue Living, after 20 years of involvement was most inspiring. She was passionate and respected. A very driven lady, she still had time to facilitate ‘lil old me’, a complete stranger. She gave me a gift. I will always appreciate and never forget.
Which five words best describe you? Compassionate, dedicated, visionary, imaginative, fastidious.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then? I was assistant to the director of Melbourne School of Fashion then worked in a city law firm, and on the side began a small jewellery business. Then I studied Bachelor of Marketing and followed it up with a Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration. Always an entrepreneur at heart, I explored the creative industry for the next few years. In the past year I've established my own consultancy. Finally I have found a career that makes sense to me, and all my skills and interests. My profession is so diverse, and exciting. I love the fact that any given day, I never quite know what enquiry will next land in my inbox, and what environment, circle of people, and professional challenges lay ahead.
What's your proudest achievement? A family girl at heart, taking over the reigns of family life after my mother died nine years ago. I have two younger sisters and it has been an exceptional journey. On the work front, consulting to some of Melbourne’s biggest companies very early in my career.
What's been your best decision? To look inside and see what makes me tick. To look closely at what my skills, interests, strengths and weaknesses are, and tailor a career that works and inspires accordingly. To stick with it, even when times get tough, and believe in yourself.
Who inspires you? Aside from the obvious role models within family and friends, one very special lady, who first introduced me to the wonderful world of styling was Helen Redmond, from Vogue Living magazine. My first work experience placement was with Helen, and she could not have been more welcoming, informative, and interested in my direction. She helped create my dream, and gave me some wings to fly. Seeing her in full swing with Vogue Living, after 20 years of involvement was most inspiring. She was passionate and respected. A very driven lady, she still had time to facilitate ‘lil old me’, a complete stranger. She gave me a gift. I will always appreciate and never forget.
What are you passionate about? Bringing light to life. This is my tag line, and it has so many interpretations. Life can be tough and challenging at times, but my one true passion is creating sanctuaries for people to retreat to (interiors), creating stylish visual beauty and elegance to encourage people to feel their best (fashion), enhancing the importance of meal-time with loved ones, and good food for good nutrition (food), and generally inspiring people to lead fun-filled and fruitful lifestyles.
What's the best lesson you've learnt? Sleep on all decisions, before you leap!! And as my dear nan says… decency, honesty and integrity will go a long way.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Author, metaphysical lecturer & teacher - Louise L. Hay.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I would love to create a forum one day, for people of all ages and backgrounds, to help motivate and inspire them to achieve their personal goals and live their wildest dreams!!
What are you reading? Female Entrepreneurs by Leiza Clark - good for business!
Empowering Women: Every Woman’s Guide to Successful Living by Louise L. Hay - good for inspiration and motivation! Home, Living Life Beautifully by Sandra Kaminski - for the homely gal who likes gorgeous things!!
images olivia sparks
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Author, metaphysical lecturer & teacher - Louise L. Hay.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I would love to create a forum one day, for people of all ages and backgrounds, to help motivate and inspire them to achieve their personal goals and live their wildest dreams!!
What are you reading? Female Entrepreneurs by Leiza Clark - good for business!
Empowering Women: Every Woman’s Guide to Successful Living by Louise L. Hay - good for inspiration and motivation! Home, Living Life Beautifully by Sandra Kaminski - for the homely gal who likes gorgeous things!!
images olivia sparks