May 19, 2010
strangetrader's andrea duff and robert schwamberg

Andrea Duff and Robert Schwamberg from Strangetrader are living my dream life. They travel the world looking for great products for their shop and bring them back to Australia. And what is it with Byron Bay? It's become the coolest place in Australia.
Which five words best describe you?
Andrea: Creative, impatient, observant, generous, free-spirit.
Robert: Imaginative, non-conformist, integrity, independent, caring.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then?
Andrea: Many odd jobs but once I discovered my passion for styling it has allowed me to live and work in London, New York, Sydney and now Byron Bay.
Robert: Hairdressing, an intriguing profession to read people, many a varied and diverse path, and you learn to adapt and incorporate tried and true skills. From Yacht broking to boutique hotels and cattle farming (and a whole bunch inbetween).
What’s your proudest career achievement?Andrea: Starting Strangetrader and seeing it grow and develop.
Robert: Taking a concept from zero to a structured format that can sit up there with the best of them.
What’s been your best decision?
Andrea: Oh, that's difficult... I like the fact that each decision leads to another.
Robert: Your own, know one knows you better than yourself.
Who inspires you?
Andrea: My friends and Robert... all from different backgrounds and all with a different point of view.
Robert: People with personal mettle and who live without wearing blinkers.
What are you passionate about?
Andrea: Being happy.
Robert: Embracing life, it is short and not a dress rehearsal.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt?
Andrea: To let go and not dwell on the past.
Robert: Just do it, Ground Hog Day sucks.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet?Andrea: No one individual. I always like to meet interesting and funny people. Maybe Madame de Pompadour.
Robert: My father.
What dream do you still want to fulfil?
Andrea: To learn to sail well in all conditions.
Robert: Sail the world; we are already on the way.
What are you reading?
Andrea: I love reading so I usually have a couple of books on the go at all times... History, English and French... Anything by Vincent Cronin. Biographies from Beirut to Jerusalem. Thomas Freiedman, Ken Follett Pillars of the Earth Series.
Robert: Apart from nautical pilots and almanacs, whatever book Andrea has just finished, at present the third in the Steig Larsson trilogy. The girl who kicked the hornet's nest.
images strangetrader and prue ruscoe
Andrea: Creative, impatient, observant, generous, free-spirit.
Robert: Imaginative, non-conformist, integrity, independent, caring.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since then?
Andrea: Many odd jobs but once I discovered my passion for styling it has allowed me to live and work in London, New York, Sydney and now Byron Bay.
Robert: Hairdressing, an intriguing profession to read people, many a varied and diverse path, and you learn to adapt and incorporate tried and true skills. From Yacht broking to boutique hotels and cattle farming (and a whole bunch inbetween).
What’s your proudest career achievement?Andrea: Starting Strangetrader and seeing it grow and develop.
Robert: Taking a concept from zero to a structured format that can sit up there with the best of them.
What’s been your best decision?
Andrea: Oh, that's difficult... I like the fact that each decision leads to another.
Robert: Your own, know one knows you better than yourself.
Who inspires you?
Andrea: My friends and Robert... all from different backgrounds and all with a different point of view.
Robert: People with personal mettle and who live without wearing blinkers.
What are you passionate about?
Andrea: Being happy.
Robert: Embracing life, it is short and not a dress rehearsal.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt?
Andrea: To let go and not dwell on the past.
Robert: Just do it, Ground Hog Day sucks.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet?Andrea: No one individual. I always like to meet interesting and funny people. Maybe Madame de Pompadour.
Robert: My father.
What dream do you still want to fulfil?
Andrea: To learn to sail well in all conditions.
Robert: Sail the world; we are already on the way.
What are you reading?
Andrea: I love reading so I usually have a couple of books on the go at all times... History, English and French... Anything by Vincent Cronin. Biographies from Beirut to Jerusalem. Thomas Freiedman, Ken Follett Pillars of the Earth Series.
Robert: Apart from nautical pilots and almanacs, whatever book Andrea has just finished, at present the third in the Steig Larsson trilogy. The girl who kicked the hornet's nest.
images strangetrader and prue ruscoe