June 18, 2010
artist phillip piperides

Even after three weeks in Italy it seems I can't get enough of sculpture. I was instantly attracted to the work of artist Phillip Piperides. He is currently exhibiting at the Robin Gibson Gallery in Sydney. It seems he has a love of Italy too - check out the dream he still wants to fulfill!
Which five words best describe you? Patient. Perfectionist. Passionate. Busy. Resourceful.
What was your first job and what path have you taken since? Pottery has been in my family for two generations, and has been my living for nearly eight years. This was until I came back from an overseas learning trip, which led me on the path to establishing Brisbane's first Fine Art Foundry [Perides Art Foundary] while creating and exhibiting my bronze sculptures.
What's the best lesson you've learnt along the way? Learning not to be impatient, eventually with enough groundwork things tend to fall into place.
What's been your best decision? Receiving the Churchill Fellowship, which enabled me to travel and study overseas which in turn improved my skills in the many facets of casting bronze statues.
What's your proudest achievement? Establishing a Fine Arts Foundry gave me the privelege of meeting a broad spectrum of artists.
Who inspires you? People in everyday situations.
What are you passionate about? As well as art being my biggest passion, I also love music. And being of Greek origin I love my food.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Andrea Bocelli, his music really moves me.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Eventually I would love to have a studio in Tuscany.
What are you reading? Ron Mueck's exhibition.
images courtesy of phillip piperides and robin gibson gallery