fabrik's sarah hardie

How do you judge experience? Not that long ago I received the look book for Fabrik. It was sweet and had obviously been produced with lots of care and attention rather than big budgets. But I didn't realise it was actually founder and designer Sarah Hardie's first collection. I've since learnt that she has worked as a textile designer for many years, most recently for Lee Mathews. That explains it.

Which five words best describe you? Creative, old-fashioned, loyal, determined and clumsy.
What was your first career/job and what path have you taken since? After I finished my degree I got work experience with artpark bedlinen and at the end of the week, much to my delight, they offered me a full-time position in production. Artpark’s products embraced colour and pattern, a little bit of which rubbed off and can probably be seen in the Fabrik label. Next stop for me was Lee Matthews - this was my home for the next seven years. It was here I refined my skills as head of production and Lee gave me a lot of responsibility which certainly acted as the springboard to Fabrik. The birth of my little girl provided the muse and the inspiration.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? How to juggle many responsibilities and to prioritise. At the end of the day the most important things will get done and don’t forget to laugh if they don’t!
What’s your proudest career achievement? My first Fabrik collection (summer 2009/10).
What’s been your best decision? Well I would have to say that when I talk to most of my friends they are not working in the fields in which they studied. I did fashion & textiles at UTS so as far as 18-year-old decision-making goes that would be one I was certainly happy with.
Who inspires you? On a personal level I would have to say my Mum & Dad. They are still very much in love and devoted to one another. They say the secret is appreciating each other and holding hands! On a professional level it would have to be Audrey Hepburn - what a stylish and elegant lady who still seemed to have a sense of fun. In her later years she gave so much back working with children in Africa.
What are you passionate about? I would have to say I am most passionate about profit for a purpose and by that I mean giving back to our planet and giving to communities that desperately need it. I have recently been involved in a project that has taught women in Nepal how to crochet children’s toys... fingers crossed it helps them.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Mother Theresa. A calm, spiritual woman who never stopped giving.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I want to take my little girl Jemima to see the twinkling lights on the Eiffel Tower and to visit my brother in Nepal.
What are you reading? Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.

images courtesy of fabrik