October 19, 2010
writer susanna salk

As soon as I saw this book, I had to have it. I'm always on the hunt for inspiring kids rooms that are as much about style as substance. You could describe US author Susanna Salk in the same way. She helped launch Elle Decor and became a contributing editor. She later joined House & Garden as a special projects editor. Now she regularly contributes to NBC's Today Show, is a contributing editor for 1stdibs.com, and writes books, including A privileged life: celebrating WASP style and Weekend retreats. Most recently Room for children: stylish spaces for sleep and play was published by Rizzoli.
Which five words best describe you? Energised, focused, compassionate, sensitive, aware.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started at Conde Nast International with all the international shelter magazines like Vogue Decoration and British House & Garden. From there, Elle Decor, then House & Garden. When HG folded, I vowed to not ever associate myself with a magazine again and instead explore opportunities online (I am a 1st dibs contributing editor), television (I contribute on design for NBC's Today show), and books (my third book: Room for Children just debuted this June). I love how today many mediums and worlds can all cross-pollinate one another!
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Don't put off anything you could do right now and if you have a gut feeling about something, stand behind it. Inevitably it will seem like such an obvious good thing in hind sight.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Being able to achieve creative things while still working from home so I can see my family as much as possible.
What’s been your best decision? Moving to the area where we live: its not too rural nor too urban. We're close enough so that I can dash into NYC for meetings but we live on a lake surrounded by gorgeous land. (With a great sushi restaurant 10 minutes away!)
Who inspires you? My 2 boys. Nature, blogs, anything funny or poignant. The first family. People who are truthful and committed.
What are you passionate about? Family and friends, always.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Leonardo da Vinci.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Traveling as much as possible with my family.
What are you reading? Jonathan Franzen's Freedom of course
images courtesy of susanna salk