January 18, 2011
fashion designer jamie blakey

A little while back I met fashion designer Jamie Blakey from One Teaspoon and got chatting about her plans. She was about to design and decorate two shops in Sydney - one in Surry Hills, the other in the new Westfield in the city - and both had to open before Christmas. It was a huge task. And I can see all the work that has gone into her projects. But I had no doubt that Jamie was going to get it all done. She's a do-er. After all, she left Queensland on a bus to head to Sydney before she'd turned 18 with plans to become a fashion designer. Not only did she do that, but she's created an international brand that's just celebrated its 10th birthday.
Which five words best describe you? Happy, tired, energetic, kooky, psyched.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I worked a bunch of different jobs within the fashion industry before deciding to do my own thing. I started One Teaspoon on the floor of a crummy little apartment near the beach I was sharing with my husband to be. Having my own label has been hard work but so rewarding. My career has allowed me to travel the world and meet so many nice people.
What's the best lesson you've learnt along the way? Every problem has a solution.
What's your proudest career achievement? One Teaspoon recently turned 10, that was pretty huge.
What's been your best decision? Not to give up when things got tough.
Who inspires you? My team at work inspire me. I love them. Going to work when you have good people is an absolute pleasure. I also get inspiration from my little boy, my husband, my family and friends. I'm also really inspired by travel too.
What are you passionate about? I've always been passionate about fashion but lately I've fallen pretty hard for interior design and homewares. I can't get enough.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I've always been a bit of an Elvis fan so I'd love to meet the king.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I want to open the doors of a One Teaspoon concept store. We're working on two now that will be open before Christmas. One is in Surry Hills and the other is in the new Pitt Street Westfield. Can't wait!
What are you reading? My mother-in-law gave me book called A Fraction Of The Whole by Steve Toltz. It takes me a while to get through books because they always put me to sleep but I've enjoyed it so far.
images courtesy of one teaspoon