February 25, 2011
artist, stylist, photographer lisa madigan

I've been in contact with Lisa Madigan for a little while. And as she has an exhibition that's about to open (tomorrow, in fact) at Loft Gallery in Bowral I thought it would be a great opportunity to showcase her artworks. But Lisa is one of those people who are impossible to talk about in terms of just one of their achievements. For she's a creative spirit through everything she does - which is a lot. Lisa not only is an artist (in perhaps the broadest as well as narrowest sense of the word), but she's a stylist, photographer (the images on her site and blog are her own) and shop owner too. I thought it was perhaps more fitting to showcase the breadth of her work in the images above - her beautiful home, her art (showcased in her home), her studio, art and the woman, herself.
Which five words best describe you? Soft centred sensory (multifaceted) creative heart.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I always knew I had to paint, I held my first solo exhibition before I was 20 and really haven't looked back. It's at the heart of who I am and essentially in everything that I do.
There's been a lot of other experiences in the mix, from working quite seriously in design and styling (to this day) as well as now curating my online store, amongst wonderful stints in fine dining to photography.
I've loved weaving my way through a host of creative endeavours, layering up where I've come from and lapping up the getting of intricate or at times quite brash wisdom.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Trust your self. Be brave. Be true to who you are.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Holding an abundant and sucessful 11 solo exhibitions, from concept, to creation, to celebration.
Being recognized by the AGNSW last year for my work and being hung in Brett Whiteley's studio would absolutely have to be a recent highlight.
I also like to treasure those quiet smile moments that happen when someone comments eloquently on what I do, when it connects it's a charm, they're the little moments that give you affirmation too and a very humbling sense of pride.
What’s been your best decision? To put a great amount of heart in all that I do, although it can be complicated at times I wouldn't have it any other way.
To go about quietly finding the inherent beauty of things and constantly absorbing inspiration.
To always bring a great sense of awareness and generosity to the table with my colleagues, clients, friends and family.
Not so much a decision, rather the knowing that I had to paint and continuing to follow that instinct with all that I am.
It's also the little decisions I find that allow things to flow on in the right direction, making those with integrity and presence of mind really allows the bigger picture to take shape.
To marry my husband of course, he's my anchor.
Who inspires you? People who do what they do with integrity, heart and conviction.
Be it someone like Peter Gilmore (who I'm painting for this year's Archibald Prize) who is exceptionally passionate and skilled at what he does, his food is art on a plate but it's also much more as it truly comes from the ground up.
My husband and our eclectic array of beautiful friends and family.
People with awareness and insight and interesting tales of adventure.
People with humble wisdom and creative genius on large or small scales, in a vast array of fields, past or present.
What are you passionate about? Making the world a more beautiful place one painting at a time.
My work and exploring it fully.
Travel. Champagne. Moving beyond boundaries. Change.
Luxurious time with friends and family.
My husband, our home and inviting people into it.
I love cooking and entertaining and I'm most definitely passionate about being generous and abundant with the people I love.
Being honest. Loyalty. Love.
Living authentically.
Living sustainably.
Living beautifully.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Maybe myself in 40 years' time for a knowing smile and some words of wisdom.
Joseph Turner, just to catch a glimpse of the man at work would be enough for me.
However I'll settle for having met my man, think that takes the cake anyway.
I'll leave the rest to chance. The right people always tend to appear at the right times.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Definitely to live overseas for an amount of time, at least a couple of months in Italy and a lot more indulgent travel.
So much with my art, in the immediate future, to savour the moments of my new collection Aphrodisia at Loft Gallery, to exhibit overseas very soon, winning a major prize is definitely in my sights too.
I'm a dreamer, so the list is never ending!
What are you reading? I love my fix of magazines and online content, SOHI, New York Times, HUH.
Flower Hunters by Mary & John Gribbin.
Tender is the Night by F.Scott Fitzgerald.
Paper by Bahiyyih Nakhjavani.
The Widow Clicquot by Tilar J Mazzeo.
To name but a few!
images courtesy of lisa madigan