March 04, 2011
photographer & author simon griffiths
One of the great Australian book releases from last year was Shack by Simon Griffiths. It's one of those titles that makes you think, "Of course! I can't believe it hasn't been done before." Which is one of the key reasons behind why it's so good. The others are that it taps into part of Australia's history and culture, as well as celebrates the handmade and hotchpotch.
Simon Griffiths is a photographer who has worked on many books over the years. He shot Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Companion and Kylie Kwong: My China. He has also photographed countless gardens for several authors, including Australian garden designer Paul Bangay.
Which five words best describe you? How about: "He's a very nice guy"!!!
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I studied photography at RMIT in Melbourne, and after that worked for Earl Carter, his work is amazing, and he and his partner Wanda gave me my start. They are both fantastic people. I started working for magazines like Gourmet Traveller and Vogue Entertaining Guide. Along the way I met Julie Gibbs my publisher, and got to do books
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? ALWAYS be nice to people; it's funny how people pop up again later in life and if you've been nice to them, they remember that.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Hmmmm, can't decide between first magazine cover or first book!!
What’s been your best decision? Moving to Kyneton in country Victoria, it's just great here; LOVE IT.
Who inspires you? I have been lucky enough to have worked with some amazing people over the years, Stephanie Alexander, Maggie Beer, Kylie Kwong, Manuela Darling-Gansser and my publisher Julie Gibbs
all of whom are strong inspirational characters and amazing visionary people. I feel lucky to have worked with them all.
What are you passionate about? Gardening, books and my dog Massimo.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Vita Sackville West.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Living in Southern Italy.
What are you reading? Henry James Italian Hours and Stephen Anderton's biography of Christopher Lloyd, the famous English garden writer.
images courtesy of simon griffiths and penguin lantern