w.s. traders pop-up sale

I produced a lot of features when I worked at real living. One of the sections I was asked to look after was "Fave Finds". This involved tracking down a cool and interesting person who was working in design, and ensuring they had a cool and interesting space so we could photograph them there. Usually the photo would run as a single page shot with a half page detail. It was a lot of work, but I got to meet some amazing people - many of them have gone on to be featured in the posts for Daily Imprint. For a while I've been trying to pin down Tim Leveson. He's a lovely guy. The photo shoot we did with him is one of my favourites. He came to meet myself and photographer Steve Baccon (who I interviewed here) on his bike in a warehouse complex. His dog was running beside him. "We've got to get that as a shot," I said to Steve. He was onto it.

Well, Tim is crazy busy with work so hasn't had chance to answer the questions - although he promises they are coming soon. Not only does he run an interior design business but he also designs furniture. If I wasn't also up to my eyeballs in work I would head over to his pop-up sale in Sydney's Redfern today. Hopefully I'll get there tomorrow, and hopefully there'll be something left. Details are on the flyer, above.

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I have been absolutely floored with work since going freelance. Not quite the work/life balance I was aiming for, but I can't complain. On Monday the April issue of real living goes on sale and I have a few features in there that I worked on, including 3 shoots with photographer Mikkel Vang. Can't wait to share those pics. Have a great weekend.

images courtesy of real living, steve baccon and tim leveson