est editor sian macpherson

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I originally started in PR then studied interior design and started assisting interior designers and stylists - for little or no money in the beginning. I was absolutely fearless when it came to pursuing my 'design idols' and asking them to meet with me. I realised that idols are human too and are all generally only too willing to discuss their passions with like minded people.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? That openness and generousity of spirit always repays you two fold... much more so than being cagey and taciturn ever will.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Definitely the launching of Est - stepping out of your comfort zone is always a challenge and not one I shy away from, but producing something in the hope that people will love it just as much as we do with no a surety that they will is always daunting. I am proud that we have stepped up to the challenge and committed ourselves to it.
What’s been your best decision? To quit PR and pursue a career in interior design. It is not work for me at all - but rather a natural extension of living.
Who inspires you? Working mothers always inspire me - the saying, "If you want to get a job done ask a busy mother to do it" rings so true. My husband James is also a main source of inspiration to me - he has really stuck his neck out and re-invented his career. He is 'stepping out of your comfort zone' personified.
What are you passionate about? Ridding the world of excess "stuff". Most homes are over run with too much of it - I love the job of editing it. It is just so liberating to free yourself of stuff.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Emmanuelle Alt - she exudes nonchalant cool. I love that she only cuts her hair every now and then and does not take her grooming so seriously - a women after my own heart.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Loads of travel, having three young children has hindered my travelling career, but I am confident with time it will again soar to great heights. It is also my dream to raise three young sons into three charming, kind spirited and successful young men - I have a way to go!
What are you reading? The Slap written by Christos Tsiolkas - not sure how I feel about it - a bit icky - because it portrays life so brutally. Love reading about Melbourne though - my new home town.
images courtesy of est magazine