June 28, 2011
workshop preview: alice flynn

This week I'm previewing people who have managed to turn a business idea into a successful product in the design world. They have all created online shopping spaces, and used different means to get their brand message out to the market. All the people featured this week will be sharing their experiences and knowledge at the Daily Imprint "Live a creative life" workshops. The third FREE session will be How to create a successful online business on Thursday 4 August, 6.30pm at Apple, Bondi. If you can please rsvp to natalie[at]nataliewalton.com Otherwise, just turn up on the night. Now, meet Alice Flynn, who has quickly turned her passion into a successful business...
As I'm about to take my big leap, it's interesting to see the journeys the launch staff from real living have taken since leaving the mag. There's former style director Andrea Millar, who now is a regular writer and stylist for the (sydney) mag as well as habitus. Deputy editor Belinda Graham has become something of a craft queen over at The Happy Home. And style editor Alice Flynn has returned to her design roots, and launched Penny Farthing Design House with her sister Sarah Neilsen. She's also a successful interior decorator and renovator.
Which five words best describe you? Focussed, generous, driven, calm, and artistic.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started assisting with stylist Andrea Millar and after numerous magazine titles we went on to the launch of Real Living with Deb Bibby, who taught me drive and to push myself creatively. This then lead to the launch of PrintDolls. Since then my sister Sarah Neilsen and I have launched Penny Farthing Design House, a platform to produce the abundance of ideas we have together.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? The power of now. Once you get that, life is just better.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Styling the Gordon Ramsay event celebrating the launch of his new TV show, it was a lot of fun and went incredibly smoothly.
What’s been your best decision? Going into business with my sister; we balance each other, and work has never been more inspiring.
Who inspires you? Anna Wintour, Tracey Emin and my parents, they have embraced every step along the way and pushed me to the next one.
What are you passionate about? Family, art, tulle, plaster and all things blue.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Annie Leibovitz, aside from unquestionable talent, I think she would have some pretty cool tales.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? New York. New York. New York.
What are you reading? Toddler Taming, and Indian Vogue.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I started assisting with stylist Andrea Millar and after numerous magazine titles we went on to the launch of Real Living with Deb Bibby, who taught me drive and to push myself creatively. This then lead to the launch of PrintDolls. Since then my sister Sarah Neilsen and I have launched Penny Farthing Design House, a platform to produce the abundance of ideas we have together.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? The power of now. Once you get that, life is just better.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Styling the Gordon Ramsay event celebrating the launch of his new TV show, it was a lot of fun and went incredibly smoothly.
What’s been your best decision? Going into business with my sister; we balance each other, and work has never been more inspiring.
Who inspires you? Anna Wintour, Tracey Emin and my parents, they have embraced every step along the way and pushed me to the next one.
What are you passionate about? Family, art, tulle, plaster and all things blue.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Annie Leibovitz, aside from unquestionable talent, I think she would have some pretty cool tales.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? New York. New York. New York.
What are you reading? Toddler Taming, and Indian Vogue.
images courtesy of penny farthing design house