fashion designer sam rush

Handsom is an Australian fashion label founded by Sam Rush and her partner Henry Allum. After being based in Sydney for several years, this British couple are packing their bags and heading to Melbourne. All the while they've been busy designing the Spring Summer 12 collection - there's a sneak peek on their blog.

PS Don't forget the first FREE Daily Imprint workshop at Apple, Bondi is on this Thursday, starting 6.30pm. You'll have the chance to learn everything you ever wanted to know about interior styling. See you there!

Which five words best describe you? Energetic. Enthusiastic. Excitable. Impatient. Stubborn.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? Whilst I was studying fashion design in the UK I worked in London as an assistant stylist, and as an assistant designer. Although it kept me very busy, I learnt loads, and it really gave me direction and a goal to work towards throughout my degree. Shortly after graduating I moved to Australia, where I did as much styling and design freelancing as I could, as well as developing my own design ideas. During this time I worked for Akira Isogawa - whom I found to be such an inspiration. In 2009 I set up my brand with my partner Henry, and have been kept very busy by that ever since!
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? If you don't ask, you don't get.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Seeing someone wearing one of our designs! I still get a secret sense of achievement and pride every time see someone wearing Handsom.
What’s been your best decision? We are about to relocate our business (and home!) from Sydney to Melbourne, and I am hoping that that will be my best decision! I think it will...
Who inspires you? It's so hard to narrow it down. I am very fortunate to have so many people around me who inspire and encourage me - I doubt whether I would have had the motivation or guts to set up my own business without them.
What are you passionate about? Food, clothes, and travelling.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Phoebe Philo. I love her style and her designs - so beautifully simple, clean and strong - and really admire what she has done at Celine. I imagine her life must be chaos, but somehow she always appears to take everything in her stride. She's a very inspirational woman.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I hope to continue to build the label up, both here in Australia, and overseas. I would eventually like to see Handsom become a multidisciplinary brand, exploring areas of homewares and furniture design.
What are you reading? Issue 3 of The Gentlewoman - my favourite magazine. If you haven't read it already, you must! I am also half way through Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks - although I'm not sure if it counts as I am technically re-reading it... Such a beautifully written book.

images courtesy of handsom