interior stylist stephanie powell

With some interior stylists it's obvious that they are simply passionate about creating beautiful images. They're less interested in the hype and hoopla that can go with the profession. Less interested in chasing book deals and TV gigs. Stephanie Powell is a purist in that sense. She has worked steadily and consistently across some of the world's most prestigious interior magazines, including World of Interiors and Living Etc. Currently she's style editor at Australia's Home Beautiful magazine.
PS To learn more about what's involved in being an interior stylist, come along tonight to the Apple, Bondi store from 6.30pm for a FREE workshop.
Which five words best describe you? Creative, caring, fun-loving, positive.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? My father’s a really wonderful interiors photographer so I grew up with shoots going on in our house in the Suffolk countryside. I used to watch my dad standing behind the lens and then I’d be mesmerised by the stylists unpacking exciting props from yummy London shops. I went on to do a degree in textile design and did as much work experience with stylists and magazines as I could fit in between studying. When I completed my degree I moved to London and did work experience with The World of Interiors where I had to sew a patchwork of Hermes scarves together to make a playhouse ready for a shoot. I was then lucky enough to land a job as style assistant at Livingetc where I worked my way up to style editor. After seven years of hard graft I fancied an adventure so I moved to Australia, partly for my love of the outdoors and partly for the beautiful natural light. I’ve been lucky enough to work with some amazing photographers here. I’m now style editor at Home Beautiful working with a truly talented lovely team.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? If you put your heart and soul into your work it will shine.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Co-presenting a 15-part series for Discovery Travel & Living (transmitted worldwide) whilst working as Style Editor on the magazine. When you’re pushed to your limits, it’s amazing what you can achieve.
What’s been your best decision? Moving to Australia and falling in love.
Who inspires you? Ilse Crawford for her design purity, Marianne Cotterill for her wonderfully theatrical sense of style, and Patricia Urquiola for her playful approach to furniture design.
What are you passionate about? Visual beauty, flowers, the ocean, good literature, the outdoor life, my partner Dom, friends and family.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Li Edelkoort. Trend forecasting fascinates and inspires me beyond belief. I’d happily have afternoon tea with her. Oh, and can I add one more, I’d love to meet Grace Coddington from American Vogue, I think she is fabulous!
What dream do you still want to fulfill? To have a family and a successful freelance styling career.
What are you reading? Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I love Penguin Classics.
images courtesy of home beautiful and mikkel vang (paper heart, sofa), andrew cowen (typewriter) and cath muscat (ceramics)