update on... designer clair wayman

At art college I discovered screen-printing and dreamt of becoming a fabric designer, but then read an article about stylists, and thought it sounded like a creative, fun occupation. I didn’t realise quite how hard I’d have to work until I became an intern on various publications in London. Working as an assistant stylist for some of the best interior stylists in London, I became involved in creating imagery for interior books, magazines and catalogues, often shooting in beautiful country houses around England.
What’s your favourite decorating style? I love the interiors of the 50s and 60s – designers at this time completely rethought form, structure and materials. The moulded plywood and bright plastic furniture had a fresh, innovative look. Warm orange, brown and yellow colour palettes had an optimistic feel.
I’ve also always been attracted to country interiors with robust battered leather armchairs and faded spriggy floral print sofas where energetic children, pets and adults alike can happily co-exist in the space. White painted floorboards, rustic trestle tables and logs stacked up by the fire conjure up a cosy feel, which I love.
Swedish homes always look light and elegant. They’re spacious and modern, yet decorative. Simple window treatments such as translucent muslin drapes, white, grey or pale pastel walls, candles and blonde wood furniture in curved shapes are the main elements. I love the combination of natural fabrics in delicate floral prints, checks and stripes in a fresh palette of blue, red, yellow, white or cream.
What’s the most common mistake people make when decorating their home? Trying to combine too many colours and styles - creating a confused look is a common mistake. At the other extreme, playing it too safe is another pitfall. Getting the balance just right is the key to creating a relaxed space. Trust your judgement - you’ll soon know when something isn’t quite right.
Designing a room scheme is really easy, if you follow some simple guidelines. I generally hunt out a beautiful wallpaper, fabric or artwork and use this as my starting point. This pattern will act as the main focus of the room and all other ingredients should complement it. Finally, I add some quirky details to add an unexpected touch, such as vintage ceramics.
Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need a lot of money to create your own perfect haven - being resourceful and imaginative is often much more rewarding. You can unearth some real treasures in second-hand shops. Quite often, once vintage furniture is covered in fresh new fabric, or given a lick of paint it comes alive and looks amazing. As long as the basic structure and shape is good, you can’t go wrong.
Where do you look for inspiration? I feel most inspired when traveling and exploring other cultures. By the time I arrive home I generally have a huge collection of photos and souvenirs to delve into whenever I feel the urge to get creative.
For me India offers a never-ending patchwork of possibilities - their vibrant textiles, elaborate architecture and luxurious style is a constant source of delight. I’d love to one day work with Indian craftspeople to design my own range of hand-dyed, embroidered fabrics.
I also often scour magazines for images, which fuel my imagination, and collect them in scrapbooks. It’s heaven for me to visit old-fashioned haberdashery stores – buttons and braids spark my imagination!
When watching films, I often become distracted from what the actors are saying by the beautiful interiors. Films like Something’s Got to Give, starring Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton is set in a rambling Hampton’s-style beach house. Another film called Evening is mainly set in 1940s America. The house is lavishly decorated with beautiful fabrics and wallpapers – a visual treat!
Who inspires you? I love the work of fabric and furniture designers, husband and wife team, Lucienne and Robin Day who were at the peak of their careers in the 50s and 60s, but have been part of the design evolution ever since. (Robin’s best known for his injection-moulded polyprop stacking chair). Their Chelsea home could easily be mistaken for a contemporary interior, but it’s barely changed for over 40 years. It’s as if the rest of the world has finally caught up with their love of simple, pure materials and design with soul.Being conscious of the environment, and our effect on it, is so important. I try and incorporate “green” products wherever I can, such as cushions made from climate neutral fabric or “eco-ware” biodegradable cork placemats. A favourite book at the moment is Cool Hunting Green by Dave Evans.
Being a girl who loves pattern, wallpaper is another weakness. The most recent addition is a bold pink and grey Flamingo design by Cole and Son that adorns a feature wall in our bedroom. I’m yet to find out what my partner Nick really thinks of this new look!
What are you passionate about? I’m passionate about interiors, friends, family, art, fashion, animals, the environment, organic food. I’d love to build an eco-friendly country house, complete with solar power, where I could live with my family and a menagerie of animals. Being able to design and build a house from scratch would be an amazing achievement - a fantastic legacy to leave behind!
images courtesy of clair wayman and armelle habib