designer & decorator jane hall

Not everyone is meant to have just one career. And there are an increasing number of people who take on different roles simultaneously. Take Jane Hall. For many years she's been known for her work as an actress. But in the past year or so she's been moonlighting as a decorator. Just recently she's taken the next step and launched a range of homewares. And, if her track record is anything to go by, she'll soon be launching a book and TV show, which in some ways will get her back to where she started.
[PS Don't forget to check back here to see if you were one of the winners of Katrina Meynink's cookbook]
Which five words best describe you? Caring, perfectionist, independent, explosive, decent.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I have been an actor since I was thirteen years old. I began my performing career in The Henderson Kids, and continued to work steadily across TV, film and theatre. Most recently, I spent a four year period on Ramsay Street... In 2010, after years of unofficially helping people revamp their interiors and countless renovations and refurbishments of my own, I tentatively launched Salvation Jane. I help people make their homes the best they can possibly be, not by chucking out everything and starting again, but by 'saving' bits and pieces they already own, and creating a home full of personality without slavishly following trends. This year I designed my first small collection of homewares, under the banner of Salvation Jane Home. The range will expand very quickly, I think!
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? To be a nice person. I was raised knowing that being modest, humble and generous are the keys to being a happy and successful person. Always be honest and use your manners... and try to be mindful with money. (This last bit continues to be something I struggle with!)
What’s your proudest career achievement? I feel fortunate to be nurturing two careers: actor and designer/decorator. Surprisingly, there seems to be a great deal of overlap. Whilst I have certainly experienced highlights, I feel that in both areas my best work is yet to come.
What’s been your best decision? I'm a decisive person and not afraid to take a risk. Starting my business and launching a range whilst still acting might sound like a leap of faith, but it has been an amazing year. I firmly believe that what you put into life is what you get out of it, and attempting to satisfy myself creatively in this way has been a brave and worthy decision.
Who inspires you? Matisse, Tricia Guild, Rebecca Cool (Australian artist) and the myriad of independent artisans and designers here in Melbourne. I'm inspired by driven self-starters like Kristina Karlsson of Kikki.K and people who are optimistic, creative, and true to themselves. I'm always inspired by generosity and kindness and a strong work ethic. I'm inspired by my family and friends. I'm constantly inspired by the creatives I've met in this newer career - they know who they are!
What are you passionate about? Colour in all it's glory! Unique, beautiful interiors and homewares. I'm passionate about motherhood. My daughter reminds me everyday about what is really important in life.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I would love to go back in time and spend my days with John and Sunday Reed and all the artists in residence at Heide, and in the present, I'd love to spend a week or so following around interiors guru Kelly Wearstler.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I'd love to keep building and expanding Salvation Jane. I want to develop the brand and write a book, showing people how easy it is to 'save' their interiors, and a very clever friend and I have written a treatment for a TV show based around all this, which we intend to get off the ground! Aside from that, I want to travel more and see the world with my daughter.
What are you reading? What aren't I reading! My house is littered with every arty/interior/design mag available and my bedside table is stacked with novels. I have really diverse taste in books, at the moment I am reading Alex Miller's new novel called Autumn Laing, and I've just finished Nikki Gemmell's With My Body and Peggy Frew's House Of Sticks. You could say I love an Australian author. And blogs, I'm always reading blogs (this one included!)
images courtesy of salvation jane