December 05, 2011
artist camie lyons

Camie Lyons is an artist who lives in Sydney, has studied in Sweden, exhibited in Hong Kong and is in talks for a commission in Scotland. In a castle, no less. She was a finalist in The Dobell Prize for drawing in 2010 and is currently exhibiting at Tim Olsen Gallery until December 11.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? I was lucky to get some good media attention early on, Belle, Vogue Living, etc, all picked up the work and I just ran with that. I don't think the path has been clear; I just keep creating and putting my best out there, always my best work. Now I have the support of good galleries I feel I have more freedom and confidence to make the work I believe in; beautiful and sensitive is what I always steer by. I love lines, organic, pulsating lines and the arrangement of these gestures, like solid drawings in space - they
are in themselves a kind of path being drawn.
What's the best lesson you've learnt along the way? Persistence - and never compromise.
What's your proudest career achievement? This year has been pretty amazing and this question was lovely to make me pause and think about this. The Dobell Prize beginning of the year, being part of Wattle: A survey of Australian Contemporary Art in Hong Kong, installing the biggest commissions of my career in Phuket, and then finishing with this exhibition Wallflower (entering space) which I am very, very proud of. It has been a wild, incredibly huge year - and I survived it!
What's been your best decision? To have a child, and then another.
Who inspires you? I am inspired by those around me, by random acts of kindness, by a beautiful human moment and by the unexpected details of the everyday. It's not so much who as what.
What are you passionate about? My boys and my art, I try to keep it simple. Oh, and food... and friends, my gorgeous eclectic collection of friends. And a good belly laugh over a glass of wine; escaping to the country; being caught in a storm on one of Sydney's wonderful beaches; getting lost in his embrace; my new garden; dressing up - still love playing dress ups; and my beautiful, extra special little boys, and watching them piece together an understanding of this thing called life; travel; love a good adventure; love a good story; I suppose I live a quite a passionate life and I am absolutely no good at keeping it simple!
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Louise Bourgeois
What dream do you still want to fulfil? Personally: balance and patience. Professionally: there has been talk of a commission for the grounds of a Scottish castle, what girl would not want to do that I ask! How completely romantic.
What are you reading? Right now, Buddhism for mothers by Sarah Napthali - utterly lovely and honest and something to strive for.
images courtesy of camie lyons and tim olsen gallery