designers bianca riggio & ryan hanrahan

Bianca Riggio and Ryan Hanrahan are Sydney-based artists who have turned their passion for design into the business Page Thirty Three. Since launching in 2010 they have produced a range of products that have garnered a lot of attention thanks to their humorous and ironic take on everyday as well as iconic objects. The couple are now focussing their attention on producing as many of their designs in Australia as possible.
Which five words best describe you? Humorous, bubbly, creative, strong willed, hungry (literally).
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? Well, we both studied fine arts, but there really wasn't this thread of jobs that lead to us starting Page Thirty Three. It was pretty left field. We are both creatives and have both always dreamt about all the things we would love to create. When we met this was immediately evident. I guess finding someone else who had the same ideas gave us the faith to just take the leap.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? To make more time: take your time! I used to write like a million things I had to do each day, lists that were impossible to get to the bottom of and then be so disappointed when I didn't get there by the end of the day. I've learnt to break it down and work through a few jobs a day.
What’s your proudest career achievement? Receiving our first ever samples in the mail to our little Bondi apartment was a pretty special day.
What’s been your best decision? Moving into a warehouse in the Northern Beaches. It has really enabled our little business to endure the hard winter we just had in retail and it also means that we have started to produce small runs of product in-house, which is where we see the future.
Who inspires you? Ryan: people who are nice to each other, strong creative women like Margaret Kilgallen, Louise Bourgeois, Joni Mitchell & my sister.
What are you passionate about? EVERYTHING! I'm told it may have something to do with my Italian heritage. I am especially passionate about nutrition and the environment.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? I really don't know, the thought has never crossed my mind. However, I would have liked to be a fly on the wall when Pierre Cabanne interviewed Duchamp, for the book Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? So many dreams! To start I want to take Page Thirty Three overseas next year. I also would like to move more towards creating larger objects and even spaces. Personally I dream of buying my own patch of land and having a barn house studio to work on my art.
What are you reading? Perfect health by Deepak Chopra.
images courtesy of page thirty three