photographer james geer

There are only a handful of Melbourne photographers that get used by Sydney-based interior magazines time and time again. James Geer is one of them. He has had his images published in Inside Out magazine and Real Living as well as Living Etc in the UK. James also exhibits his photography, and has been a finalist in the National Portraiture Prize. He started out as a graphic designer, detoured to photography, assisted in New York and returned to Melbourne after three years. Now he not only produces work for magazines but also clients such as Hermes, Nike and Levi's.
Which five words best describe you? According to me = relaxed, observant, loyal, particular, motivated. According to my three-year-old: dizzy, smile, nose, funny, yummy.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? Started out in graphic design, in a studio that was shared with a photographer, started assisting him, loved it, went to NYC for 3 years, assisted some big names, started shooting, came back, here I am!
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? To watch light, when you do this, every and any thing can have beauty.
What’s your proudest career achievement? My first solo exhibition last year "DEEP" was a huge challenge, extremely exposing and ultimately incredibly rewarding.
What’s been your best decision? To ask Rebecca to be my wife.
Who inspires you? Anyone who works with their hands making things using traditional methods.
What are you passionate about? The ocean and it's inhabitants.
What dream do you still want to fulfil? To turn off the phone and computer for a few months.
What are you reading? A visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.
images courtesy of james geer