photographer haik kocharian

Haik Kocharian says art is in his DNA. He was born in Armenia to actor parents, and followed in their footsteps, studying at the Armenian Theatre Academy before moving to New York in 1994. Initially he worked as a photo journalist, before graduating from the Brooklyn College, with majors in photography and film. For almost a decade Haik has been working as a fine art photographer, and has held several exhibitions in New York. He also has been a finalist in the Smithsonian Magazine Annual Photo Competition. In a continuation of his theatre background, Haik has written and directed six short films, and is about to complete his second feature film Please be normal. He is exhibiting at the Robin Rice Gallery in New York until April 29.

Which five words best describe you? Free, internal, dreamer, seeker, me.

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? To photography I was introduced by my uncle who bought me my first camera at the age of five. The rest, as they say, is history; I've been photographing since. I was born in a family of professional actors; my father is also a painter and theatre director. So art is in my DNA. Currently I work in fine art photography, film, as a writer/director and in music as a singer/songwriter. Aside from my solo exhibition at Robin Rice Gallery and my photography work, I am currently finishing my feature film Please Be Normal as a writer/director and have completed my new album "Children's Album" to be released in mid May of 2012.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Hmm. This is a tough one. There are many valuables lessons I have learned that have shaped me as an artist and an individual. The lesson for life is: Nothing in life is bigger than life itself. The lesson in work/art is: To win you must lose. The lesson in life's outlook is: A person in motion always stands a chance.

What’s your proudest career achievement? Every artistic achievement is a result of hard work and determination. Perhaps overcoming the doubt, the fear, the difficulty and pushing forward to achieve a full potential for your vision is what I am proud of most.

What’s been your best decision? To follow my calling, my passion, my dream.

Who inspires you? My mom, my darling love Natalie, and all who love and believe in me.

What are you passionate about? Life, Life, Life: it's a magical gift to be enjoyed every single moment.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Oh. The list is very, very long. Just to name a few. John Lennon, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mark Rothko, Federico Fellini, Henri Cartier-Bresson. I would also like to meet President Obama.

What dream do you still want to fulfil? Achieve my maximum potential as a person and as an artist. Contribute to society in a lasting and meaningful way, enrich the lives of people I love and care about.

What are you reading? Currently I am reading a short novel by Werner Herzog Of walking in ice.

images courtesy of haik kocharian