landscape designer ned bailey

During a trip around Australia, Ned Bailey decided he wanted to take a slight detour from his landscaping business when he returned home to Melbourne. So after 15 years of working as a landscaper, he turned his attention to outdoor sculptures and screens and created Desert Scapes. The process involves upcycling discarded steel and turning it into fences and fixtures around the garden. He continues to offer sustainable landscaping services too.
Which five words best describe you? Laidback, impatient,resourceful, stubborn, loyal.
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? Straight out of school I went to uni to study building construction. I dropped out to start a landscaping apprenticeship. I loved the hard work and discovered the design and visual aspect was just what appealed to me. Although landscaping fulfilled me for 15 years, after travelling around Australia with my young family I felt a pull towards sculpture, nature and recycling. This lead to me opening a showroom of my designs and developing my own style and presence. In my new space I surround myself with things people disregard and start creating.
What's the best lesson you have learnt along the way? Not to take other people's negative thoughts on board and do what I believe.
What's your proudest career achievement? The freedom to express myself in doing something I love, and making a living out of it.
What's been your best decision? Taking a risk on art.
Who inspires you? My eight-year old daughter Bella. She is up to surgery number 11, spends a lot of time in hospital, yet she is always positive and truly believes she can conquer the world.
What are you passionate about? Old to new recycling. Upcycling. Simplicity. Surfing.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Ned Kelly
What dream do you still want to fulfil? I dream of a relaxed life with my family living with the surf at the front door and my workshop at the back.
What are you reading? Shantaram
images courtesy of ned bailey