ceramicist hayden youlley

Hayden Youlley took a leap of faith during his studies at the respected Sydney art college COFA. He had never worked with clay before, but he decided to major in ceramics. It was a decision that has paid off. He's been working with the medium ever since, and has picked up stockists such as Pure and General for his launch "Paper Series" collection, photographed by Amanda Prior (read her interview here). Next up, Hayden plans to release a range of lighting.
Which five words best describe you? On top of the world!
How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? After completing a Bachelor of Design from the College of Fine Arts UNSW, majoring in ceramics and applied object design, I was working part time and spent the rest of my time completing my first range of ceramics. That process took about 10 months, from start to finish. The whole time I was focusing on the goal of being able to quit my day job and spend the rest of my days having fun throwing mud around the studio. So far it’s all going to plan.
What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Start small, jump in headfirst, ask for help and learn as much as you can while you go.
What’s your proudest career achievement? It’s only been six months since I started the company. It’s all still very new. When it happens, I’ll be sure to let you know.
What’s been your best decision? Making ceramics the undergraduate major of my design degree without having ever touched clay before in my life. I followed my gut feeling and that totally paid off.
Who inspires you? My family and friends. They never stop encouraging and helping me to be better.
What are you passionate about? Soccer, surfing, hand-crafted design and ice-cream.
Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet? Wikipedia is telling me its Bernardo Buontalenti from way back in 1565. The first person to create gelato - absolute genius. This guy deserves a big hug!
What dream do you still want to fulfill? Surf the backdoor of pipeline on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii.
What are you reading? At home: a short history of private life by Bill Bryson
images courtesy of hayden youlley and amanda prior