Tara Wilcox, left, and Nicola Grey

While furniture maker Tara Wilcox and product designer Nicola Grey appreciate great design and craftsmanship, they also understand that not everyone can afford it. As a result in 2011 they decided to make furniture at an accessible price point. “Both being determined to fill our houses with beautiful furniture but not quite having the budget to do it we began designing and making our own,” they say. “This, of course, caught the attention of friends and family and it just grew from there.” Redfox & Wilcox is based in Nicola’s Collingwood studio where pieces are handcrafted from timber salvaged locally. Originally the business was set up for made-to-order production but more recently it’s expanded to produce customisable pieces for domestic and commercial uses.

Which five words best describe you?
Tara: Optimistic, kind, brave, determined, resourceful, honest. 
Nicola: Pessimistic, realistic, impatient, creative, stubborn.

How did you get your career start and what path have you taken since? 
We started out as a backyard business. Tara found something that she loved to do and with the help from Nicola, who is by trade an interior designer, we slowly progressed our business. We have had so many learning curves along the way but without them we wouldn’t be the company or people we are today.

What’s the best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? 
Communication is key! 

What’s your proudest career achievement? 
Seeing people interact with our products at the most recent Menske project.

What’s been your best decision? 
Starting the business and sticking it out. 

Who inspires you?
Tara: Powerful strong women such as Beyonce, FKA Twigs, Serena Williams, my mother and both grandmothers.
Nicola: Friends and family.

What are you passionate about?
Tara: Music, design, family and friends.
Nicola: Creating things.

Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet?
Tara: Ray Eames

What dream do you still want to fulfil? 
We've been talking about planning a work trip to California, our work is heavily inspired by mid-century architecture and design.  

What are you reading?
Tara: Monkey Grip - Helen Garner 
Nicola: Arrivederci! - Italian for English speakers

images courtesy of redfox and wilcox